What is the Difference Between Corns and Calluses
Corn and callus is the common problem that you generally face on your feet and hands. If something is rubbing against your shoes and you feel itchy on your feet, that means it could be corns or callus, because both are quite similar in many aspects.
But do you know, "What is the difference between Corns and Calluses?" Don't worry; we will discuss it in this content. Believe it or not, but in both conditions, you feel pain and itching, and it would become frustrating at an instant.
Difference between Corns and Calluses
If you truly want to know the differences between calluses and corns, then here is a quick way to tell you about this in brief, you should read this content to know more about it.
Corns are generally built-up between your toes and the bony area of your toes. They are round in shape and look discolored or waxy. The corns are categorized into two types; Hard corns and Soft corns.
Hard corns
Hard corns generally occur on the outer side of the toes and at the top of the toes. The area which is affected most on toes is, where is rubbing by the poorly fitting shoes are most.
Soft corns
Soft corns generally occur between the toes. They are called soft corns because the sweat between your toes gives them moisture to build up. Soft corns are more dangerous than hard corns if you don't treat them instantly and they will catch an infection.
How to remove Corns
For removing corns, never use hard or sharp objects like; razor, scissors, and knife. Instead of using these objects, you can use callus healing slaves, it is manufactured with natural products which help you to heal the corns faster, and it is very easy to use.
Calluses are also built upon hard skin; as like corns, it doesn't build-up between toes. Calluses generally occur on the underside of the foot. Calluses are built up because of dysfunction in the life of your feet. Improper fitting of shoes is also a reason for their build-ups. The poor-fitting shoes or tight shoes affect your feet area, and you will see its result in the form of a callus.
How to remove Calluses
To remove calluses, you should take a warm bath or shower on your feet and apply a moisturizer before sleeping at night. Always wear shoes that fit correctly, and it would be better if you wear socks at night after moisturizing your feet.
Callus remover
For removing callus, you can use the callus remover tools. While using this tool, you don't need to worry about cuts, because it is straightforward to handle. You can use this tool yourself at home to remove the unwanted callus from your feet.
After reading the following facts about corns and calluses, you get, "What are they in actual and why are calluses and corns differ?" Corns and callus both equally affect your feet, and if you don't take a treatment for them, it will worsen. So whenever you get this condition, contact your doctor as soon as possible.
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